On August 13th, 2019, the Primary Presidential Elections were held in Argentina. Former President Mauricio Macri obtained 31.80% of the votes, which places him 16 points below the winning candidate, Alberto Fernández.
Thirteen days later, a crowd marched to the Casa Rosada to express their support after the loss. Mauricio Macri saw it on TV and decided to come and thank everyone.

Live from the balcony of the Casa Rosada (that's me on the left)
Unintentionally, that moment gave rise to La Marcha del #SíSePuede. During the following 30 days, he would visit 30 cities in Argentina to reduce the electoral distance with his opponent.
As part of the digital team, I was in charge of video content as well as graphic and motion design. In 30 days we produced +800 pieces of content for social media and +40 live streams. Not only did these videos and images fulfill the goal of showing support to President Macri, but also helped to spread the message, inviting people to attend the next rally.
Mauricio Macri did not win the elections but obtained 2.2 million more votes than in the Primary. He cut the gap to 8 points and emerged as the leader of the opposition.

La Marcha del #SíSePuede in 30 days.
La Marcha del #SíSePuede //
Juntos por el Cambio
Video Editor +
Motion Graphics Designer
Release Date
September–October, 2019