Tapas Clarín is a Telegram and Facebook Messenger chatbot part of Clarín's 75th anniversary campaign –and part of the Inmersión Clarín experience. It was developed while working together with the agency Gallo Media and its idea is simple yet interesting: users can search for any issue cover of the Clarín newspaper.
My responsabilities within this project were multiple. As a video editor, motion and graphic designer, I created video content for social media, a video commercial for TV, and print ads for the newspaper. I was also part of the bot development team.
The Tapas Clarín bot is the equivalent of digital time travel. Once the bot is started, a date is requested. This interaction is replied with an image of the Clarín newspaper cover of that day. For example, if the message sent is "15/07/1986", users will get an image of the July 15th, 1986 issue
More than 27,000 image are available, from August 28th, 1945 (Clarín's first issue) to the present day.
This product launch also included multiple formats of social media videos and print ads:
Tapas Clarín Telegram chatbot is online. Check it out.
Tapas Clarín Bot //
Video Editor +
Motion Graphics Designer +
Bot Development
Release Date
October, 2020